Moving up from maintenance to Service
The SerVeA methodology for developing Value Added Service
SerVeA analyses the current situation applying its original 12 key domains-based approach covering business and Service:
- Market potential,
- Degree of control and performance,
- The company's market share and offerings.
From this analysis, SerVeA works closely with company senior management and staff to establish a Service strategy and an implementation action plan.
SerVeA supports the business right up to successful implementation while focusing on:
- Simple "Quick Wins" - applying best practices immediately,
- Training and coaching (people issues, remote management of engineers, learning to sell services, etc.),
- Working out plans for dealing with change throughout the organization,
- Striving for creativity from all participants in action meetings,
- Striving for efficiency with Kaizen, participatory Action Work-Out or decision-making Work Out,
- Lean Six Sigma approach and tools.
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